Tuesday, November 2, 2010

These next three blogs are dedicated to the soon to be Birthday Girl Jayrenee' Williams/ Fashion Baby Doll follower :) ....(Birthday in December).. I have selected three outfits and accessory pieces. This first one is a BabyPhat ensemble and I paired it with some detailed edgy booties (on the left), animal themed ring and braclet, clutch with details duplicating buttons on jacket and another option of sequenced hand bag, and optional cuff bib necklace; This necklace can be left out if top is zipped up completely but if one chooses to rock the look zipped down, she could pair with a plain white tank underneath and this will enhance the look. I think it is young and Edgy..If one is not an Rachael Zoe accessory addict as I am...minimizing some accessories is fine. But one will demand attention at a great party with this look!!!! Part 1 of 3


  1. i LOVEEEE THE dresss!!!! omq!!! i love ittt!!! && those copper shoes, im speechless at those!

  2. tha jacket is hot too! i love tha qold necklace w l it...i think my neck it too small tho.lol

  3. J thats what I was saying to...when Im researching..Im in awww and want everything!!!
