Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Jordan has stepped the game up for the high heel loving females! I call it the Jordan heel! These high heel jordans are HOT...Pair with a fitted pair of denim, tee or slightly embelleshed tee, a fitted leather jacket with some color maybe?and of course a couple hot pieces of jewelry IE: the new saftey pin trend accessories and you have a hot sporty look but very much feminine!! A hot outfit to add to my wardrobe!!!! Thanks Jordan ;)


  1. Not auhentic "Jordans" but very cute. You can find on sites.

  2. I am not really into sport gear, but these are workable. I like that there are a good selection of colors.

  3. Im not into sports wear either..But anything with a heel I turn my head!!!! nThnx for the comments!!!!
